Start Your Own
Start Your Own Medical Loan Closet
From first hearing about the Medical Loan Closet 6 years ago and being a part it’s current growth, I didn’t realize it would become a social ministry to the underserved in our community as well as other communities. Our clients are treated with respect and care for their well being which comes from Hebrews 10:24. ” show love and do good things”, the response has been about 12,000 loans since starting.
If you who are reading this want to start a Medical Loan Closet or know someone might be interested have them contact me and we will make every effort to get it started.
Join us ……………..
Lloyd Hanna
Medical Loan Closet
6655 E Harry
Wichita, KS 67207
(316) 516-2199 cell
(316) 779-8989 warehouse
Drew Brenner
Medical Loan Closet
6655 E Harry
Wichita, KS 67207
(316) 978-0929 cell
happiness comes from helping others ……… be happy